Remote Control Solution en
Remote control solution
General information
The remote management solution controls the entire public lighting network (the lighting points and the control cabinet) from a dedicated application. It becomes possible to :
- Program dimming profiles for each remote lighting point
- Have a centralised recovery of faults (lamp failure, low power factor, ageing lamp, etc)
- Have a report of power consumption per lighting point and at the level of each control cabinet
- Control lamps in real time and remotely
In order to realise the remote management of public lighting, Lumnex offers 2 technologies:
- Power Line Communication (PLC)
- Communication by Radio Frequency (band 868-900MHz)

The Power Line Communication architecture
Using Power Line Communication (PLC) technology, each lighting point is equipped with a PL node. This communication node takes control of the lighting point. At the level of each electrical cabinet a concentrator is in charge of collecting all the information and to communicate it to the central application. The hub communicates with the central application bidirectionally.

The Radio Frequency Communication architecture
Lumnex offers a complete wireless solution, using the 868-900MHz radio band.
This solution allows easy control through a mesh network. Each lighting point and electrical cabinet is equipped with a radio communication node (Axess-RF-INT, Axess-RF-EXT, etc.). These form a dense and reliable mesh network. Some "Access Points" will be set up in the city in order to realise the bridge between the radio network and the central application.